Ayurvedic Treatments

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Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes – A Perfect Solution

Diabetes is a disease in which insulin in the blood fails to control the level of sugar in it. Ayurveda has a solution to Diabetes, also known as madhumeha. It believes that lessening of the activity of the element Agni or fire in the body can result in the increase of blood sugar levels. In fact, Ayurveda suggests a combination of diet control, changes in the lifestyle, introduction of herbs in life and Panchkarma. The Ayurvedic way of treatment for Diabetes can work wonders for your body by giving a new lease of life and making you feel slimmer and fitter.

•    Diet control – All foods with high carbohydrates, proteins or natural sugars should be consumed sparingly. Instead, the emphasis should be more on fresh fruits, vegetables, citrus fruits, cereals etc.

•    Lifestyle changes – Introduction to yoga, surya-namaskar, breathing exercises like kapal-bharti etc. also work wonder as a treatment of diabetes.

•    Introduction of herbs – Herbs such as the rare shilajit, guggul and the common tulsi, neem and haldi are essential for the Ayurvedic way of treatment of diabetes.

•    Panchkarma – It is a process of cleansing the body of toxic wastes and antibodies, which tend to work against the system as opposed to working for the system. The process includes massages, sauna baths and even fasting to flush out the unwanted element from the body.

All the above-mentioned forms of Ayurvedic treatments in cohesion can form a suitable way to cure diabetes. This is not a one-time solution as the treatments and changes need to be practiced and incorporated in your life on a daily basis. Ayurvedic treatment for Diabetes can lead the body into a state of perfect harmony and thus make sure that the body remains in that state. Ayurvedic Treatments specialize in the treatment of the disease to ensure a diabetic-free and energetic life to all.