Ayurvedic Treatments

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Ayurvedic treatment for Kidney Stone- promising no side effects

A Kidney stone is a common problem found in people of almost all age groups. A kidney stone is a hard, crystalline mineral material formed within the kidney or urinary tract. Kidney stones form when there is a decrease in urine volume and/or an excess of stone-forming substances in the urine. The most common reason for the formation of a kidney stone is traced mainly because of the dietary habits found in the individuals. It is also observed that hereditary reasons also play a vital role in this problem in many individuals. A diet which is rich in animal protein and low in fiber are more prone to such urinary tract disorder. People who have higher stress levels and have less of liquid intake also have a higher tendency of developing such problems. It has been seen that there is a substantial rise in the number of incidences of such cases in men and women both over the past few years. The person who has a kidney stones experiences a sudden pain in the abdomen and the genital regions also followed by severe perspiration and vomiting. In certain patients a low grade fever is present if there is an infection. Acute pain is experienced when the stone moves from one place to another otherwise the pain is absent. Acute pain makes the patient restless and also may pass urine frequently, which may also contain blood.

The above mentioned signs and symptoms are seen and more so depending on the size of the kidney stone. It is seenĀ  that the presence of a kidney stone which is less than 5mm passes in the urine without causing pain but if the size of the kidney stone happens to be bigger then i.e. more than 6mm then it obstructs the flow of the urine causing severe lower abdomen pain. Certain basic remedies like increasing the intake of fluids especially water and minimizing on intake of tomatoes , berries, chocolates, colas, butter , milk, cheese, cabbage cauliflower etc.can also bring some respite to the person

Ayurveda is becoming very popular amongst people for the treatment of Kidney stone. And the reason for its popularity are many fold. Over a substantial period of time people have realized that the best way to cure self is through Ayurveda as getting treated through herbs and in a natural way does not have any side effects which are otherwise generally seen in the prescription drugs and medicines. Good and effective Ayurvedic treatment for kidney stone has been found and people have started showing great interest in finding the solutions to their health problems in Ayurved. Best of Ayurvedic treatment for kidney stone are available without you are undergoing any expensive and operative surgeries, treatments and side effects . They are the best natural remedy that the humans are gifted with. Existing since centuries, these methods can be blindly relied upon for any kind of treatment.